The PPC looks after all matters of general operation in the parish.
* All committee members to have a three year term followed by a renewal of no more than one more three year term.
(Three years plus an optional additional three years with a maximum term of six years.)
2024-2025 Members are:
This committee looks after the financial matters of the parish.
2024-2025 Members are:
The Liturgy Committee is responsible for the many aspects of the Mass.
They decide on issues such as seasonal themes and special celebrations.
Please contact the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for information.
This ministry helps to assist the priest throughout Eucharistic celebrations and is for adults and children (10 years and over, who have been Confirmed).
Please contact Anna Kinsella via the Parish office for information on becoming an Altar Server.
At St. Edward’s this Ministry contributes to the visual experience of the liturgy by decorating the Worship Area throughout the liturgical year. Parishioners can participate in:
- Flower arranging
- Decorating for Easter, Christmas and other Feast Days
- Care of sacred vessels, candle holders, etc.
- Sewing various articles such as banners; purificators, chasubles, altar cloths etc.
- Laundering items used in the liturgy such as altar cloths, purificators, linens, albs etc.
If you enjoy decorating and or working with flowers, helpers are welcome and needed.
Please contact Debby Fernandez via the parish office if you would like to join our team.
The ministry of being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at the Mass is a role in our parish to assist the priest, who is the ordinary minister of Holy Communion, to distribute the body and blood of Christ to the faithful who come forward for Holy Communion.
These people who are called to this ministry are called to be Love Servants at the Eucharistic Feast, in service to God and our Church to share the Body and Blood of Christ through our Priest to our faith community. The Eucharist has been and continues to be the ongoing faith connection and perpetual memorial we profess and celebrate between the Paschal Christ and the Risen Christ. Training is provided before people are expected to assist in this ministry.
If you are interested in learning more about this ministry please contact the parish office.
“When the Scriptures are read in church, God himself is speaking to his people, and Christ, present in His own word, is proclaiming the gospel.” (General Instructions of the Roman Missal #29)
The Ministry of the Word must be carried out with great dignity. The faithful to whom we proclaim rely on the lectors to bring them to a fuller understanding of the sacred scriptures. To that end, it is necessary to be a competent reader with an ability to proclaim with clarity and ease in public. Prayerful preparation and mindful meditation of the scripture is encouraged prior to the lector’s scheduled reading.
If this is a ministry to which you feel called, training will be provided.
Please call the office to be directed to Pat Smith, the Lector Coordinator.
"When we turn to God, there is always something ineffable and unsaid left over. Then music can help out. In rejoicing, language becomes song - that is why the angels sing. Music in a worship service should make prayer more beautiful and more fervent, move more deeply the hearts of all in attendance and bring them closer to God, and prepare for God a feast of melody." (YOUCAT 183)
St. Edwards is fortunate enough to have two music groups, each with their own style:
If you are in the congregation, you are part of the choir, so sing out to praise our Lord! If you play an instrument (even if it's not one mentioned above) and especially if you have the talent and ability to lead a new group, please contact us via the Parish office!
Please contact Mary Hof via the parish office for information on becoming an Usher.
Please contact the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for information or visit the Diocesan website with the full protocols and help line. Responsible Ministry & Safe Enviroment | RCD (
The Annual Diocesan Appeal runs between October and December each year. It is an outreach to raise and offer financial support to a range of missionary needs for parishes within the diocese. A portion of the costs is deferred to the contributing parish to accomplish local outreach projects.
Volunteers raise awareness of needs and share regular updates on goals met from the Diocesan Appeal Office.
Please contact Fritz Fernandez (Chair) via the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for information.
Emergency preparedness includes all activities, such as plans, procedures, contact lists and exercises, undertaken in anticipation of a likely emergency. The goal of these preparedness activities is to make sure that the church parishioners are ready, with the guidance of the team leaders, and able to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency.
Please contact Lorri Hamilton the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for information.
The Maintenance Committee is responsible for the buildings. They coordinate everything from routine repairs to major construction projects. They work closely with the Pastoral Parish Council and the Finance Committee.
Please contact Carlo Stocco via the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for information.