Our mission in the Faith Formation program is to foster a lifelong relationship with Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour. We, in partnership with parents/guardians want to begin engaging our children in the learning of our Lord and God from an early age. Within this partnership we also understand that when we receive a sacrament we are not "finished" with our faith journey but have only just added to the experience of the journey. Faith Formation is an effective way to both learn about and share about the love of God and the life of discipleship.
Please contact Debby Fernandez via email at: [email protected]
Registration form HERE.
"Loving God's People."
Our mission is to bring the church community together, new and existing parishioners, as well as visitors to our parish.
* We greet and help new parishioners feel and experience the love of God by welcoming them into God's house with love, acceptance, comfort, support and care.
* We are the core group to support other committees in the planning, execution, and set up of events for the church and outreach.
* We plan fellowship events to help bring our community closer together and support one another in our faith journey.
* All are welcome to join us at any time - many hands make light work!
Please contact Cathy Higginson via the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for more information.
The Pastoral Care Outreach Ministry is a group of dedicated people caring and supporting our parish community. We participate and support worship services and communion services in several assisted living and long term care facilities. We also visit the sick and lonely in hospital, long term care and at home, bringing conversation, company and communion. New members are very welcome and will be trained to Diocesan requirements.
Please contact Marilyn Klizs or Leslie Mathews via the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 and then Press 6 to reach them at home.
This program is developed for people who wish to become Catholic or perhaps someone who was baptized as a Catholic but has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation, and First Communion . It is also open to Catholics who have not been practicing for many years and wish to return to the Church in an informed way. This process enables participants to go through the 4 phases of RCIA process in a comfortable and supportive way. Together, in faith, we grow spiritually and learn more about all of the Sacraments and the major beliefs of the Roman Catholic faith. Our weekly one hour sessions take place in the evening via Zoom, using Google Classroom and run from September to May with a break during Advent.
Please contact Angelique Rasmussen via the Parish office at (250) 746-6831 for information.
Registration form HERE.
ON HOLD: The Liturgy of the Word with Children takes place during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. It's held in a separate room during the 9:30 am Sunday Mass, not far from the main sanctuary. During the morning Mass, children are invited to experience the liturgy in a way that is relevant to their knowledge and experience, and have an opportunity to understand more fully what it means through discussion, song and prayer together. The children then return to the sanctuary in time for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Please contact Debby Fernandez via email at: [email protected]